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SlimTech Tunnel
SlimTech Tunnel is a step to the future in order to obtain physical activity and production of beauty inside the body and out!
Our innovative device emits an infrared beam integrated with aromatherapy, colour therapy, light therapy and electrical stimulation (collagen rebuilding blood vessels) which contributes to the shaping and rejuvenation, while providing an excellent form of fitness to achieve the perfect body shape and sense of well-being.
Clinical Studies have shown significant effects of cosmetic procedures performed:

- 30 minutes in the SlimTech Tunnel = 2 hours regular treatment of traditional strength training,
-  after the first treatment effect of the loss of up to 20 cm in total circuits,
- firm and elastic skin,
- improve blood and lymphatic circulation,
- reduction of adipose tissue and stretch marks,
- remove toxins by releasing metabolic products.​
- weight loss up to 1 kg at once,
improve blood and lymph circulation,
cleansing effect, - relaxation,
- reduction of cellulite and stretch marks.
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